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Other Membership Requirements

Whilst diversity of expertise is a great strength in our offering it is also essential we do have a some shared values, principles and views of the world. This common ground needs to be established as part of the process of approving new members. 


Of course, we don't expect everyone to share all our views, nor would we want them to. But we cannot be fundamentally at odds over what we regard as core beliefs. And, this is important because our core beliefs are certainly in direct opposition to many generally accepted management theories, rooted in what we regard as seriously flawed thinking.


By way of example, we reject the idea maximising shareholder value should be the primary concern of business, or that a competitive mindset is always the best way to achieve prosperity. We are critical of approaches that measure prosperity in terms of profits. Instead, we believe the focus should be on creating real value, not market value. And our view is that profits should be seen as a by-product, not the objective. We argue for a focus on real value creation and are concerned when we see a focus on extract value.


We recognise most consulting firms are still obsessed with competition, rather than collaboration and the co-creation of value. And the culture within many consulting firms is itself very competitive, This means they cannot argue for the approach we believe in with any degree of integrity.


For these and several other reasons written about in publications like Harvard Business Review, we believe the consulting industry is "ripe for disruption", and we wish to be one of the disruptors. In a post-industrial world the old way of thinking is at best less effective, and at worst a significant cause of our ills.


The core concept of Valueism, a term we coined, underpins out thinking. It builds on the truth offered by Peter Drucker; "the purpose of a business is to earn and keep a customer". We argue that delivering real value is the only way to do this in the long-run. Valueism is business focused on the creation of real value, rather than market value. And, the focus on value creation makes it appropriate for all organisations in all sectors including governments, the public sector or not-for-profit organisations. It is also a better, and easier, way to manage. Eery management decision impacts on the value equation. The result of each decision either adds value or destroys it.


In an interview with potential members, we think it is in both our interests to establish whether we share such fundamental beliefs as these.


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