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With our wealth of experience, we provide training in the workplace that improves your leadership communication and coaching skills. These enhanced skills improve your ability to develop people and business. Our strength lies in our ability to help you learn in the optimum way and apply your learning immediately in your workplace.


Nick Marson holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and Training from the University of Wales and has taught inter cultural communication at the University of Munich Business School. He led a major research project for CASS business school into the link between leadership and innovation.


Derek Benton has a broad range of operational executive experience with a leading FTSE 100 company and has trained business development and skills in the UK and internationally.


Neil May has lectured in strategy at a leading business school and written extensively in top level professional journals including Managing Partner magazine.


To help us understand how we can help you with your training needs, email us to arrange an initial consultation (free of charge).  

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